Monday, November 26, 2007

The Obsidian Trilogy - Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory

I like Mercedes Lackey - she writes brain candy for the fantasy crowd. Some of her books have more to them, but most of them are just a nice adventure story with a fun cast of characters. After all the mystery / suspense / detective brain candy reading of recent months, I needed a new flavor. I picked a book in a series that came out after the last book I read by Lackey - about 2 years ago. It turns out that I should REALLY look at my book case more often. After starting The Outstretched Shadow I realized I had already read it! But, I re-read it and then moved on to the rest of the trilogy: To Light a Candle and When Darkness Falls.

This is the standard fantasy set up; magic, disenfranchised youth, evil forces, etc. With the usual caste of characters - centaurs, mages, unicorns, elves, demons, trolls, etc., it felt more like a Salvatore story than a Lackey one. I enjoyed the main characters, they didn't feel one dimensional. And they went by quickly. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy Salvatore or those who want brain candy in the fantasy flavor.

I'm not sure if it will stay on my shelf, but I will try to get Higgy to read it before it leaves the house and maybe Joe once Higgy is done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Love Frustration - RM Johnson

Hmm, I don't know how to characterize this book. It was a cross between straight fiction and romance. It went by quickly enough, but I doubt I'll remember it. I think the detailed (and in my opinion, entirely unnecessary) rape segment has me firmly putting it in the to the used book store stack. Until that, it was harmless enough that I probably would have passed it on as something fun.

Cause for Alarm - Erica Spindler

Brain candy - nothing more, nothing less. It's going back to the used book store. I read it last week and I can't even remember what it was about. Not a good sign...

Ship of Destiny - Robin Hobb

The end of the Liveship Traders trilogy was not as thought provoking as the previous books in the series. Ship of Destiny was more of an action packed soap opera - each character being put through increasingly interesting turns of events. It was a page turner - and at 800+ pages, that is almost on the verge of annoying. Actually, the end wasn't so much a page turner. It was the happily ever after part - the part where all the endings are taken to a complete close. That was the only disappointment in the series. I would have preferred a couple of loose endings - things that you could speculate as to the outcome.

This series is my favorite Hobb trilogy, it will be staying on the shelf.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Mad Ship - Robin Hobb

Second book in the Liveship Traders Trilogy. This one focus more on the life of a pirate raiding the slaveships, while also focusing on families in Bingtown. Same themes, same great storytelling.

It will be on the shelf.

Ship of Magic - Robin Hobb

Oh, I do enjoy Robin Hobb. I tried to read this series years ago and just couldn't get into it. I returned it. I picked it up again used. I was missing out.

The story follows the lives of people in Bingtown - an outpost of a distant ruler and founded on the Cursed Shores. There were ancient bargains made that shape the culture and politics of the area, but now newcomers are invading and changing the way of life. They bring slavery and a lack of respect for women with them. The theme of many fantasy novels is around political ideas and being self supporting, but with this series it is about free will. The story revolves around destiny, fate, and the characters ability to determine their own way. At the same time, there are discussions about slavery - what attitudes are needed on the part of the owners and society to let it occur in the first place. It is also about standing up for what you believe even when you know it is futile - should you or shouldn't you, when is the right time?

I find myself thinking about the series frequently throughout the day.

It will go on the shelf with the other 2 series from Hobb.

All Fall Down - Erica Spindler

Another in the long line of brain candy. But this one has some interesting side things to think about. Spousal abuse - why do people stay and if someone kills the abuser, is it worth looking for the killer? There are also interesting dynamics of family - guilt, loyalty, and blind faith. I found this book moved quickly - satisfying my need for something easy to read, but I also thought about some of the aspects of the book once I was done.

I'll be loaning this one out and then it will probably go back to the used bookstore.