Monday, June 08, 2009

15 books in 15 mins

The object is to name 15 books that affected you - or the first 15 books that come to mind. So, starting now, at almost 9p on a Monday...

1. Tale of Two Cities - the first classic I read twice
2. The Jungle - I renewed my vegetarianism
3. The Octopus - evils of corporations
4. Little Women - so well read it fell apart
5. Go Dog Go - I cried so much about when I lost it, my parents had to buy another one
6. Nancy Drew - don't know which one, but started my love of the mystery
7. Whatever the first Mercedes Lackey I read was - the start of reading fantasy/sci-fi
8. L.E. Modesitt - first book in the series - I recommend it way too much
9. Magicians Assistant - no idea why this came to mind
10. Bel Canto - probably related to Magician's Assistant in my head
11. Great Expectations - don't try to read this when you have mono
12. Dean Koontz comes to mind - Watchers, Lightning
13. When Rabbit Howls - why I try to donate to foster kids
14. Sister of my Heart - I think that is the title...
15. Moby Dick - never have finished it and not planning to try again

This was really hard to do without looking at the walls of books that surround me