Sunday, December 21, 2008

16 things

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you.

  1. I read a book last night - from start to finish. Just because I could.
  2. I like to think I like hard, thought provoking fiction or non-fiction, but I just like the escape.
  3. I don't miss going to movies.
  4. I hate it when my house is cluttered, I just want to pick it up. But I get discouraged and let it happen because it seems like too much work to clean.
  5. I am sick of coughing and feeling tired. I've been sick for over two weeks and it is depressing.
  6. I love to get away and travel. I like to see something besides the same stuff I can see every day. I get stir crazy when I haven't left town in 4 weeks.
  7. I love working at home - although I miss the commute. The down time and the time to listen to NPR.
  8. I hate when my computer makes noise - I wish there was a way to just shut off all the beeps without having to set it in EVERY single application.
  9. I love the sunrise more than the sunset - I like the beginning more than the end. (And it's usually quieter and more private).
  10. I wish I lived near the ocean - the smell, the sound, sigh.
  11. I love living near my family.
  12. I wish I had more local friends. Maybe I need to get out more?
  13. I am still mad about being lactose intolerant - it's been 6 months but I feel like my body betrayed me.
  14. I am thinking about getting rid of my books. I have this desire to just get rid of things. Clean it all out.
  15. I can't remember the last time I listened to one of the CDs or watched a DVD.
  16. I love my kids' bedtime routine and the fact that both of them learned the baby sign language for book before they learned the one for food.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Citizen Higgy

Congratulations to the newest citizen in my family - Higgy. The family turned out in sickness (mine) and in health (everyone else) to celebrate Higgy taking the citizenship oath. Favorite parts - seeing him wave from the 780+ crowd, hearing how many citizens from each country, watching O drink from his flag straw, watching L wave her flag and clap, and the grins on all those faces.

It would have been better if I hadn't needed a 3 hour nap to recover.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Playing on the bed

Recipe for Playing on the bed:
1 king bed
1 feather bed
4 feather pillows
1 down comforter
2 hyper children
2 tired adults

Place feather bed and down comforter on bed. Give 2 pillows to each adult. Lovingly throw one child on the bed. Laugh. Carefully place 2nd child on bed - push over (flop). Laugh. Repeat. Use pillows to push children over. Laugh. Repeat. Tickle. Laugh. Repeat.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Books in bed

I've been sick for about a week. It's left me tired and resting during O's bedtime routine. I've been unable to read bedtime stories without coughing so much that O asks "are you ok?" followed by "here's bob, he'll make you feel better" or "we could watch Sesame Street to make you feel better."

So when it was time for another book before bed, he decided to read it to himself sitting next to me while I read mine. He pointed to the pictures and talked to himself. He gave the little boy in the story advice - "you should wipe your feet", "you're making a mess" and then asked questions - "what is this for?". It was the nice end to a tiring day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's not football season

it's Sesame Street season.

at least, it is according to O.

Hope that made you grin - it made me grin.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Playing on the floor

For about 15 minutes today I just sat with L and watched her play. She had opened the pull out shelf with tea and coffee. She would take it out, stack it and put it back. Occasionally, I would take some tea bags or a coffee bag and put it back on the shelf. She was so intent on her task she seemed confused by where it came from.