Monday, June 08, 2009

15 books in 15 mins

The object is to name 15 books that affected you - or the first 15 books that come to mind. So, starting now, at almost 9p on a Monday...

1. Tale of Two Cities - the first classic I read twice
2. The Jungle - I renewed my vegetarianism
3. The Octopus - evils of corporations
4. Little Women - so well read it fell apart
5. Go Dog Go - I cried so much about when I lost it, my parents had to buy another one
6. Nancy Drew - don't know which one, but started my love of the mystery
7. Whatever the first Mercedes Lackey I read was - the start of reading fantasy/sci-fi
8. L.E. Modesitt - first book in the series - I recommend it way too much
9. Magicians Assistant - no idea why this came to mind
10. Bel Canto - probably related to Magician's Assistant in my head
11. Great Expectations - don't try to read this when you have mono
12. Dean Koontz comes to mind - Watchers, Lightning
13. When Rabbit Howls - why I try to donate to foster kids
14. Sister of my Heart - I think that is the title...
15. Moby Dick - never have finished it and not planning to try again

This was really hard to do without looking at the walls of books that surround me


Kristin said...

I've been hesitating to read and comment 'cause I didn't really want to think of my own list. But I should. Nice list!

Lisa (aka TCMH) said...

I did the same thing - I saw that 3 other people did lists before I did one. I didn't read any of those lists until I did mine.