Monday, July 27, 2009

I heart Portland

A long weekend in Portland gave me a long list of things that make me happy...

  • Friends - ones wonderful enough to fly across the country to spend a long weekend, ones fabulous enough to provide a ride to and from an delicious home cooked meal that could feed an army, and ones who hang out after work - sipping wine and sharing Thai
  • Walking tours - those provided in books by Laura O. Foster and those provided by Portland Walking Tours, hill walks, a panoply of architectures, neighborhood walks, bridge walks, waterfront walks, fast walks, ambling walks
  • Cupcakes - delicious from Cupcake Jones and amusing because we kept finding ourselves on the corner where the are located
  • Waking up on my own schedule - sure it was too early, but after I woke up I could go back to sleep or doze, or get up - all based on what I wanted to do
  • "Croquet" with bowling balls and sledgehammer, complete with period safari clothing
  • Pouring beer for hours - it turns out I can enjoy a beer fest, I just have to pour the beer and be on the other side from the drunken hordes
I'd highly recommend walking tour books by Laura Foster,

1 comment:

CeeDubbVA said...

Sigh...Sounds awesome! I'm so glad you had a good time!