Monday, November 26, 2007

The Obsidian Trilogy - Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory

I like Mercedes Lackey - she writes brain candy for the fantasy crowd. Some of her books have more to them, but most of them are just a nice adventure story with a fun cast of characters. After all the mystery / suspense / detective brain candy reading of recent months, I needed a new flavor. I picked a book in a series that came out after the last book I read by Lackey - about 2 years ago. It turns out that I should REALLY look at my book case more often. After starting The Outstretched Shadow I realized I had already read it! But, I re-read it and then moved on to the rest of the trilogy: To Light a Candle and When Darkness Falls.

This is the standard fantasy set up; magic, disenfranchised youth, evil forces, etc. With the usual caste of characters - centaurs, mages, unicorns, elves, demons, trolls, etc., it felt more like a Salvatore story than a Lackey one. I enjoyed the main characters, they didn't feel one dimensional. And they went by quickly. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy Salvatore or those who want brain candy in the fantasy flavor.

I'm not sure if it will stay on my shelf, but I will try to get Higgy to read it before it leaves the house and maybe Joe once Higgy is done.

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