Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Otherland: City of Golden Shadow - Tad Williams

I had read this book before, but never finished the series. I spent the beginning of the book thinking - oh yeah! I remember that and the latter half thinking, how did I forget this? I have enjoyed Williams writing in the past, but this series is one with many heros and many villains. I am not usually a fan of science fiction, preferring fantasy, but I am able to get around the futuristic nature of it and feel connected to the characters. In this world, virtual reality has taken over much of the entertainment - and many lives. But something is happening to the children. They are falling into a coma - with no known cause and none recover. In the first book we are introduced to the main characters - Renie and !Xabbu being the main two. As the book was coming to a close, I wondered how Williams would wrap up the ending to lead to Volume 2. Turns out he doesn't! The end of the book is like the end of a chapter - no neat closing to tide you over until the next book. Luckily, I already have it.

This book is staying on the shelf until I complete the series and make a decision.

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