Saturday, June 25, 2011

Down in the dumps

I have been feeling guilty about everything lately - or at least all the things I think I should do that I JUST DON"T WANNA!  I should do the budget to make sure we keep money working for us - yes, I have been taking the easy way out and just keeping an extra cushion in checking.  I should be playing with the kids instead of letting them watch hours and hours of tv.  I should be making dinner rather than resorting to going out for breakfast 5 - 6 days a week. I should plan dinner too - more than just - fish sticks? quesadilla?  or getting ready to heat foods from the farmer's market (although, I guess that is better than fast food, right?).  I should pull those pesky weeds.  I should do the laundry before we run out of clothes.  I should exercise - those 10+ lbs. I gained this year are not going to disappear if I wish hard enough.  I should call my friends - because I know if I talk to them, I will feel better.  Heck - I should go visit some of my friends too...  so many live far far away.  I should paint the half tested blue walls of my office - a sign of laziness to face every work day.  But, I just don't wanna!  I want to curl up on the couch and read books and watch bad tv.  I want to sit by a river and watch it go by.  I want a lap cat to pet (but ours is an attack cat...).  I want all of these things to magically do themselves.

But for today, I am going to take my aching head out to the Day-lily Farm in Amador - maybe tomorrow I will wanna do something...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I'm sorry you are or were down. Life's never quite flat, is it?