Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Magazines - the choice for a car ride

After finishing up the end of my Goodkind books - which it turns out has at least one more book (yet to be published in paperback...) - we were off on a road trip.

For some reason, as an adult, I have gained some level of motion sickness - especially when I read in the car. So, rather than reading books in the car, I tend toward magazines. With a large backlog in my living room, I brought "Parenting", "Cooking Light", "Business 2.0", and "O, the Oprah Magazine". Parenting is a recent addition to the house, while the rest have been arriving monthly for years. I used to read every article in Bus 2.0 and O, but lately I haven't bothered - more skimming them before putting them aside. Cooking Light has varied, some months I read everything and make several recipes, other times I'm done in a hour or less.

Parenting - now, this is a magazine that is definitely developed for parents. I think the longest article was 3 pages - with pictures. A perfect car ride read. I didn't learn much, except that moms are stressed (DUH!) and that after 4 months, you don't have to burp your baby - they have figured out how to do it themselves! Actually, I learned from cousin, Jen, that in Tonga they don't burp their babies at all - so maybe I can start skipping it now? Probably not, because he does get fussy when he has a burp percolating. I am sure there were other things of interest, since I did read most of it. But nothing else stayed with me.

Business 2.0 - now that I am not working, I read less and less of this magazine. Actually, the less I enjoy my job, the less I read of this offering. I don't know if the quality is suffering or my interest is waning - probably both. If nothing else, it is the only business magazine I can read every month. I do enjoy the cool gadgets section, maybe someday when I am rich (HA!), I'll be able afford some of them. As I sit here, I can't remember a single article. It's only been 4 days - not a good sign.

Cooking Light - This month the focus was on soup - and, boy, do I have some inspiration for dinner this week. It was raining when I read it and it's supposed to continue all week, maybe that's why I dog-eared so many recipes? Not only did they sound good, they even contain some of the least used veggies from our CSA farm box. I've found ways to use kale and chard - items that normally decompose before they are tossed rather than find their way into recipes. I think I may try Ribollita with Herb Pesto, but it would require a trip to the store. Or maybe Red Lentil Mulligatawny with Apple-Celery Salsa? Again, I'd need to go to the store... I think I'll make a list.

O - just started and the thing sticking out most so far is the beautiful, comfy-looking green cashmere throw blankets - like I'll spend the money for those... Then there was an article about how stress affects skin problems - new dermatology clinics that include therapists or combo therapist/dermatologists. I haven't reached the reading section. I normally add something profiled to my Amazon wish list each month... we'll have to see.

Now that I am home, I started Carol O'Connell's Winter House. So far it is interesting, but not can't-put-it-down exciting. Another one of those books that are part of a series. Mallory is a sociopath - who happens to use her personality for good - working as a detective for NYPD. Not a bad series, and having such an unbalanced person makes for entertaining interactions with the other characters.

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