Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Winter House - Carol O'Connell

A disappointing read. For now I'll keep it, for the completionist in me. I do have all the other books in the series. I'll try the next one and if I don't like that one, the entire book is out in the purge.

The crime was 50+ years old with all the living players in one house after many years apart. From beginning to end, there was only one part that left me quickly turning pages. The rest of the time, I could easily put it down. I can't quite put my finger on what was different about this one versus the others. The crime was astonishing - 9 murders by ice pick, only children surviving. But I never really cared for any of the characters new to this book. Of the main recurring characters, I have always preferred Riker, and he didn't have much play in this book. Instead there was focus in Charles Butler. Maybe that made the difference, focusing on a psychatrist co-star rather than the detective?

I did like the rather loose ending. Yes, the investigation was tied up neatly (if, unethically), but the relationship between the recurring characters has been thrown out of balance. Maybe if these relationships start to be more interesting, it will keep the rest of the series alive?

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