Thursday, October 25, 2007

Secret Love - Bart Schneider

This book isn't bad exactly, it just isn't good. I started it well over a week ago and I still haven't made it to page 100; which in light of my recent reading pace tells you something. I just don't have any desire to pick it up and find out what happens next. Yes, I'm tired with the demands of our new baby, but both Ghost Map and Natural Ordermage had me reading in the middle of the night - happily reading instead of watching bad TV or decent TiVO.

An interracial couple in 1960s San Francisco - one a lawyer leading protests the other a hanger-on in those protests was just not enough for me to keep going. If I was in a different mood, I probably would have finished it because it isn't terrible - but it is definitely not engaging.

It'll be heading off to the used book store on my next run.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

It sounds interesting. I'm sorry it's not good.