Friday, June 09, 2006

The Husband - Dean Koontz

I am one of those people who happen to really enjoy Dean Koontz. I know when his new books are coming out - and I have been known to make the clerk go in the back and get the book if it's not on the shelf when I go to buy it on it's release date. Higgy brought me the Forever Odd Koontz book to read while I was in the hospital - even making a special trip to the store to pick it up. With all that said - The Husband really wasn't one of the good ones. It's not bad, but it was disappointing. The closest comparison in Koontz reading was Intensity. I think I have come to expect more than just a suspense/action story - and that was all The Husband provided. Yes, there was a little child rearing philosophy and love, of course, is able to conquer all, but it really felt like he was writing on autopilot. Maybe a 2 books a year schedule is too much after all this time?

It'll go on the shelf with the rest of the Koontz collection, but if I ever purge to just my favorites it won't make the cut.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I haven't read Koontz in a few years. I noted a display of his books at O'Hare over the weekend and discovered that I was miserably behind. I guess I'll have to put this one at the bottom of the queue.