Saturday, June 24, 2006

Therapy - Jonathan Kellerman

After a few stumbles in recent attempts, Therapy got the Alex Delaware series back up to par. With his new girlfriend, Dr. Delaware is out psychoanalyzing his way through Sturgis's investigation. Nothing exciting happening on the character stories - just a nice simple multiple homicide, that of course ties into a few other homicides. In mystery series it seems that only serial killers and homicidal maniacs are killing. The crime, the victims, and the families are the focus - as it should be - and they definitely provide a variety of personalities. Unlike The Art of Detection, the story moves along quickly, with only a few slower spots. The complex relationships between the characters provide the twists and turns. This was the perfect end to my mystery novel reading spree. I'll pick something more substantial next time.

It's on the shelf, prepared to fit in with the rest of the series. If it hadn't been good, the rest of the series would have joined it in the box for the used book store.

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