Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

This is one of my mom's favorite books. It's a book I have tried to read before - several times. This time I suggested it for book club, figuring that I would HAVE to finish it. In talking to Mom, I also got the recommendation to skip over the history parts unless I was really in the mood for them. I could always go back for them later if I wanted. With that, I started in on the 1400 page tome.

It starts with a detailed description of a bishop - the man who shapes the rest of the story. Once you get past these 100 pages, the story really picks up. At least until you hit on a lengthy history section. Once Jean was introduced, the pages flew by, although I did stop to read The Margarets near the death of Fantine. This is a book that in today's world would be a series - but for once, all the cliff hangers have endings. There is so much commentary on life hidden in the pages (or in some sections hammered home over and over), it was a surprisingly fun read that at times I couldn't keep myself from continuing.

I skipped many of the historical sections - Waterloo, convents, sewers (yes, I know they are interesting topics, just wasn't in the mood).

I highly recommend this book. Since I borrowed it from the library, it will have to return. Since we recently cut back on the number of bookshelves for my books (giving some up for toy storage), I won't be buying a replacement for the library.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I really enjoyed this book. Though, I gave a book review in high school and recommended that my illiterate classmates read an abridged version.

They didn't know what abridged meant.