Thursday, May 17, 2007

Why am I not reading?

Did it all start with my week away from the printed word? Is it because of pregnancy brain and belly and...? Is it because Owen's been going to bed about an hour later than he used to? Is it because work keeps making my mind wander when I get to a slow part in a book? Is it the fact that I haven't been sleeping? Is it the 1400+ pages of Les Miz staring me in the face?

I am sure that each of these things have contributed, but I need to get out of the lull. There's only so much TV a girl can watch. - and TiVO is out of suggestions. At least it is season/series finale season.


Kristin said...

I thought maybe you just weren't writing. You aren't reading?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the new Koontz will help get you back to reading when it comes out on the 29th.

Lisa (aka TCMH) said...

I am so mad at Amazon, I preordered the Koontz book which came out yesterday. My e-mail says it won't show up until some time next week. I never would have pre-ordered if I had known that!