Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Long Way Down - Nick Hornby

I always want to call him Hornsby - the musician instead of the writer. I have to admit, I like the writer much better. Hornby wrote High Fidelity and About a Boy - and a few others that haven't been turned into movies yet. This book won't be turned into a movie I don't think. The story of 4 people who meet on New Year's Eve at the top of a building where they planned to commit suicide. Four dysfunctional characters - OK, maybe 2 really dysfunctional ones and 2 that are just letting life happen to them. Maybe those 2 need to read A Bend in the River?

The book went by quickly, I finished the same day I started. I must be on one of those reading binges I get on after I haven't read much. But anyway, back to these poor saps who meet on the roof. Suicide is a personal thing, unless it is a suicide pact, so with an audience none of them take the leap. The four unlikely folks decide to hang out together and meet again.

One aspect of the book that made it more likable is something I normally hate. Each of the four characters narrated - moving back and forth between them in no real order through the book. You can see what each one thinks as well as how they are perceived by the others. It makes the unlikeable characters more likable - and more readable.

While it was good and I would recommend reading it once. It is not one that I would pick up and read again. So, it is in the pass it on or donate pile.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I do like Hornby. I'll have to pick this up.